TU Dublin's curriculum conversation toolNorthStar is a curriculum conversation tool. Its purpose is to support and encourage staff to have meaningful, purposeful conversations around programmes/modules, specifically focusing on how these reflect TU Dublin high strategic elements. Often such high strategic elements (CoCreated Curriculum Shapers, Strategic Pillars, Graduate attributes, 1st Year Experience etc.) are considered at the end of the curriculum design process. This tool encourages a different approach – one where TU Dublin’s High strategic elements inform the whole process of curriculum development so that they are built-in as opposed to built-on.
The 1st lens being developed is based on the Co-Create Curriculum Framework.
01 The Project
Encourage programme teams to engage in focused and meaningful conversations around curricula.
Encourage deeper reflection to consider opportunities to shape the curriculum with those high strategic elements in mind.
Encourages staff to share their exemplars with the wider teaching and learning community, so that we can all learn from each other.
1.1 Introduce
A short Video introducing the concept of NorthStar.
1.2 Discover
Click below to explore 4 new videos to be used as an aid to explore the 4 shapers in practice.
1.3 Explore
Click the button below to read the complete Co-Created Curriculum Framework report.
02 Design Process
Design Sprints
A series of Sprint design sessions was carried out with a small team and a paper prototype was developed. (Iteration 1)
Interactive Testing Platform
Following feedback, this was further developed as a testing platform (website -Iteration 2)
Final design Protoype
Following further feedback sessions with groups and individuals familiar with the CoCreated process we proceeded to final design and development stage
2.1 Discovery
Discovery involved detailed research of existing tools. Click below to view the highlights! (Jan – March)
2.2 Ideation
ideation included the development of a paper prototype and an interactive testing platform. (April – May)
2.3 Prototyping
This stage developed a final working UX design prototype of NorthStar. (June – Sept)
03 Challenges
Living the Shapers
Embodying the spirit of the CoCreate Curriculum Shapers in the development and output form the the project.
Developing a vocabulary for the proposed tool that is inclusive, active, and empowering
Student Voice
Ensuring a student Voice – a series of UX workshops with students focusing on developing a student facing element of NorthStar.