Co Create TU Dublin Curriculum Shapers
Collaborative Curriculum Reimagining & Enhancement Aiming to Transform EducationThe aim of a Design Principle driven Curriculum Framework is to focus staff, students and stakeholders on four core concepts (the Curriculum Shapers), but not to set in stone how to implement these concepts.
The Curriculum Shapers are useful, usable, active and memorable; they are designed and written to empower staff, students and partners to co-design fresh approaches to teaching and learning and the delivery of a quality TU Dublin student experience.
“Let’s have the Conversation about Curriculum!”
The CoCreated Curriculum are at the heart of TU Dublin. Below you will find a video that defines the curriculum shaper, including prompts and examples of how it might shape the curriculum. In addition you may find it useful to review the series of prompts, an example of the shaper in practice and the literature describing the underpinning scholarship of each shaper.
Step forward and try new things
This shaper is about stepping forward and trying new things. Feel free to look at examples of this Shaper and additionally explore the scholarship behind its development. In addition, you might find the following mini tool helpful when considering this shaper in your practice.
Video Voice Actor: Eric Bates – Teaching Fellowship Team
Make our learning experience active, useful, and related to the world
Video Voice Actor: Adrienne Fleming – Teaching Fellowship Team
This shaper is about making our learning experience active, useful, and related to the world. Feel free to look at examples of this Shaper and additionally explore the scholarship behind its development. In addition, you might find the following mini tool helpful when considering this shaper in your practice.
Use all of our talents; everyone has something to learn and something to teach
This shaper is about using all of our talents: everyone has something to learn and something to teach. Feel free to look at examples of this Shaper and additionally explore the scholarship behind its development. In addition, you might find the following mini tool helpful when considering this shaper in your practice.
Video Voice Actor: Ultan O Cinneide – TU Dublin Student
Create the space and time to do work that matters
Video Voice Actor: Catherine Deegan – Teaching Fellowship Team
This shaper is about Creating the space and time to do the work that matters. Feel free to look at examples of this Shaper and additionally explore the scholarship behind its development. In addition, you might find the following mini tool helpful when considering this shaper in your practice.